sábado, 3 de febrero de 2018

Nicole Kidman: Acceptance Speech | 24th Annual SAG Awards | TBS

As for Film topic, Nicole Kidman was awarded this prize...
What does she thank for ??
What verbs does she use being emotional grateful enthusiastic utterances??
What is your favorite phrase from her speech ??
And what would you use as a newspaper headline on the news??

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hello Julia! I`m Mary Jo (A1). For my level Nicole Kidman speaks very quickly. I was listened: agradecimientos a sus mejores amigas; Maryl Streep, Jane Fonda, Jessica Chastain, Susan Sarandon... también menciona agradecimientos a los estudios y a la financiación de la película. Por supuesto menciona a su familia que no podría hacer todo esto sin ella. By the way, I like very munch Nicole Kidman. See you tomorrow, Nitht!

Anónimo dijo...

Ma Jo: - listened to: SP. / - I like NK very much(w.o.)/ SP: Night! (JC).