jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

How to Stuff a Turkey - Martha Stewart

2018 22nd Nov Thanksgiving. Recipe: How do you stuff the Turkey? Brief the recipe.

Regions and Accents | Learn about the United States of America

Have a look at American accents in the States. Which one calls your attention and why? What did Alyssa, from Pensylvannia, living in Ohio, tell us about Pitsburgh-ese accent?

How to Speak Southern

Brief the characteristics and put eg.s of Southern American accent.

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2018

1914 | Sainsbury's Ad | Christmas 2014

Narrate the story, the clip scene about 1914's soldiers at their trenches ready to launch an attack on their enemies on Chrismas(') day.. What happened? What reactions can this bring to people?
Make a comment on it, give your opinion leaving a comment below. ( Please write your full Name + group first or at the end of your comment. Thank you).

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018

Explain the differences spotted from 1927's London and nowadays' one.

30 Aniversario Magna Charta Universitatum. Plenary session

To what extent is the world changing ? Globalisation.., are values integrated in Education, at Universities? How is this materialised? ( This vid. is for higher level SS and C1) After watching the lecture leave a comment on your views about this global issue.. So, imposed universality?

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2018

GAMES NIGHT - Rory's Story Cubes: Gangsters

Make up at least 4 of your own little stories from the story cubes.. Write them down on the comments..

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018

Phonetic Chart Explained

Study the Phonemic Chart.. Repeat each sound thinking of its physicality and leave your Spanish grip..

Pronunciation Skills: Pronunciation is Physical

Physicality: Let go off our grip..