sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018

Explain the differences spotted from 1927's London and nowadays' one.

11 comentarios:

Teresa dijo...

Nowadays, London is a cosmopolitan and multicultural city because it has been receiving numerous foreign people for the last 50 years. The aspect of the city has changed a lot of in the last century: many of de old boroughs with crude homes have been demolished and have been built high rise buildings and gigantic infraestructures instead.
The appearance of the market has also changed, now they are a place to visit for tourists where it is possible to buy a great variety of products from differents countries. At this time, it is possible to find a lot of women with different skin color and wearing differents clothes, but in the past the market were `plenty of men with a white skin and the same clothes.

Teresa Martínez-B2.2 (mañanas L-X)

Anónimo dijo...

Nowadays, London is a cosmopolitan and multicultural city because it has been receiving numerous foreign people for the last 50 years. The aspect of the city has changed a lot of in the last century: many of old boroughs with crude homes have been demolished and have been built high rise buildings and gigantic infraestructures instead.
The appearance of the market has also changed, now they are a place to visit for tourists where it is possible to buy a great variety of products from differents countries. At this time, it is normal to find a lot of women with different skin color and wearing differents clothes in the street, but in the past the market were `plenty of men with white skin and the same clothes.

Teresa Martínez-B2.2 (mañanas L-X)

Anónimo dijo...

Watching this video you can perceive how London has changed during the last century. The main reason of these changes could be that big cities are always evolving, maybe as a consequence of globalization. Currently, most of old buildings has dissapeared, because they were demolished. In 1927 London had a particular urbanism which has been transforming into a modern architecture with high rise buldings that make London a cosmopolitan city. However, most of its symboly buildings has been preserved which is quite interesting because the city never has lost its own identity. Another ancient image on the video shows the market crowded of men while women were cooking at home.

Enrique Mata C1.1º

Anónimo dijo...

Over the last centruy it is well-known that London City has completely renewed its appearance. One strong point to consider is London's skyline. Skyscrapers and fancy big towers have raised over the open air of the city. Nevertheless, the heart of London is still unspoilt: London Parliament and London bridge, which gather most of the tourists. Anyway, London has suffered from many changes, but it'll always be by far one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world.

Miguel Muñoz B2.2 (mañanas L-X)

Jullia Cidfuentes dijo...

Exc(ellent, Miguel!!

Jullia Cidfuentes dijo...

Teresa, careful: differents

Jullia Cidfuentes dijo...

Enrique,good vocab, careful with Gr, .wo., SP: has> have, symbolic, has never lost.

Anónimo dijo...

London has been constantly changing as we can see in the video.
A striking change is that traffic lights have been replacing traditional mobility agents in the streets.
But the most striking thing for me are the changes in the market. In addition to how others have commented, in the past only men went but nowadays women can go too. London has been receiving people from all over the world, which has made it an intercultural city. Nowadays the products of the market have been adapted to the new situation, so both, men and women can buy them, with colors more cheerful than in the past.

Mª José Parreño López, B2.2 (mañanas L-X)

Anónimo dijo...

In the video we can appreciate some changes in London in the last century.
In the first place, we can see the development of the city through the evolution of infrastructure, for instance: road with delimited lanes in each sense, a specific bus lane, traffic lights and traffic signals.
Another strong change is the appearance of the skyline, with high-rise buildings. However, at the same time we can see historic buildings that remain intact despite the passage of time.
But, in my opinion, the main point to consider are the women’s rights.
As a video shows, there have been huge changes for women. While, in 1927 London’s husbands amuse themselves on the Petticoat Market, London’s wives cook the Sunday dinner.
Fortunately, things have been changing for the better.

Alicia Béjar B2.2 (Mornings M-W)

Jullia Cidfuentes dijo...

MJ.Parreño: gd: -..things for me is..'

Jullia Cidfuentes dijo...

A Béjar: gd: -...main point to consider is...'