jueves, 14 de febrero de 2019


What were Lady Di's secrets in the end?

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Ana Isabel Poyatos Sánchez , B2- 1

Several secrets of Lady Di's were that for many years she suffered depression and tried to injure herself many times by hoting her legs and arms, as a consequence of having to pretend to be the perfect princess and wife. Exhausted of not being able to escape from her marriage she falls into bulimia as a way of scape and people accussed her about being unstuck. She confessed that the media put too much pressure on their marriage and that is why it failed, even the royal family never supported her in the good actions that she did and they punished her a lot for the mistakes she had, reinforcing that she suffered bulimia.

Jullia Cidfuentes dijo...

Very well done. Just: ...mistakes she made...