lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

The Script - Hall of Fame (Official Video) ft.

After Listening to the song give your view about 'Fame' and write down all the jobs you can listen to in it.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Ana Isabel Poyatos Sánchez, b2-1 mañanas

As we can see in the video, fame is something that involves a lot of sacrifice and often doesn´t bring good things. It can draw attention for good and for bad. However, if we believe in ourselves and work hard, we can make reality our dreams. We can see jobs like: You can be the King Kong banging on your chest, You can talk to God or go banging on his door or You can walk straight through hell with a smile.

Jullia Cidfuentes dijo...

,,,for good and bad things...; make our dreams real...
Ana, very well, you got the amazing point of fame...