martes, 7 de mayo de 2019

Read and Listen and think about the main ideas of the Life Manifesto: ...brief them as Mediation Language Activity.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

This nice video remind us and make us that life is too short. This is the main reason why we should travel more, live our lifes with intensity, share our pasion with other people. If you find something that you don´t like, you should get rid of it. Life is really more simple than we make it. Enjoy each day if it were the last, make friends and stop overanalyzing. In a nutshell, the video try to show us that life in more important than worries. Therefore, It´s a very positive video to encourage pesimistic people.

EMT 1º C1

Jullia Cidfuentes dijo...

EMT, 3rd psg endings!, 'reminds us, makes us...: makes us know/ be aware of the fact that...,see...'tries...; 'lives',